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Manifest Number Scoring Logic

The simple statistics are each number should show up once per second. Every second 1,000 numbers are randomly generated and each number is in a range of 1,000 numbers. That range being negative 500 to positive 500 with the zero being excluded.

Thus if the number you were focusing on was generated more than once per second, you beat the statistics!

Base score is 100 if you manifested the number on average one time per second. You receive an extra 30 points for every second faster than that time. As of September 27, 2018, if it took more than one second per manifestation you lose 20 for every extra second it takes.

Additional points are given when you have bursts of activity.

For example, if you were aiming for manifesting your number 50 times and that happened in 47 seconds, your score would be calculated as:

  • 100 base score for not being over 50 seconds
  • 90 points for being 3 seconds faster than average
  • Plus Burst Points
    • Each second your number generated twice you get an extra 10 points
    • Each second your number generated thrice you get an extra 25 points
    • Each second your number generated four times you get an extra 40 points
    • Each second your number generated five times you get an extra 75 points
    • Each second your number generated 6+ times you get an extra 120 points
Big 60 Scoring Logic

The goal is focusing on making the random numbers either "higher than zero" or "lower than zero".

Scoring Categories:
  • Exceeded in top 50%
  • Exceeded in top 10%
  • Exceeded in top 1%
  • SUM of your goal is greater than SUM of opposite goal

For each category a score is given for beating the other side and for beating what is statistically average. In this challenge the score is calculated each second. Each second can score up to 200 points.

Each second the score is generated either for you or against you. You can challenge friends with this or test your mind’s strength against randomness.

Technical notes: zero is excluded from the random numbers generated. Since there are 1,000 numbers within the range of -500 to +500, all numbers generated over 400 are in the top 10%.

Focus Extreme Scoring Logic

This challenge was discontinued at the end of 2019 because the Big 60 challenge is better for quantifying and validating mental skills.

It involved focusing on making the random numbers either "higher than zero" or "lower than zero". At end of session each category is tallied and scored. This is based on the same categories as used by "Big 60" challenge.

For each category a score is given for beating the other side and for beating what is statistically average. For example if you were focusing on high numbers for 1 minute then normal randomness should have 30,000 of the numbers higher than zero. In this example 3,000 should also be in top 10%. Since there are 1,000 numbers within the range of -500 to +500, all numbers generated over 400 are in the top 10%.

Scoring is based on beating average and on beating the opposite extreme. For example, if you had 3,010 over 400 then you would score; if there was also less than 3,010 in the bottom 10% (below -400) then you would score even more for dominating in the category.

Does this have anything to do with Scientology?

Definitely not! We had no idea Scientologists uses the word “theta” in some of their religion. We are so dismayed that people even question this association that we are considering changing our organization’s name.

The “Theta” in ThetaStream represents Theta waves of the brain. Being in a Theta wave state is considered the ideal for meditation and manifesting.

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